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Reporting to the President, this position is open due to growth and expanding market opportunity. This is a key transformational role with career growth opportunity. This is a unique opportunity for a seasoned operations leader to apply their developed skills and experience to raise the manufacturing capability of this multi-site manufacturing organization. We seek an experienced leader and builder who can collaboratively engage and lead a multisite workforce in an energized transformation environment.

This candidate will be responsible for all production operations for a growing multi- site operation. Key to this role will be leading continuous improvement activities and culture transformation across the business. As an experienced operations leader, they will be integral to providing direction, coordination, coaching, and counseling at the organizations production locations. The organization is continuing to add new sites as they expand.

State Journal
March 6, 2017

By: Rebecca McPhail, president, WV Manufacturers Association

Rebecca McPhail is president of the WVMA, a role she has held since 2013. She previously served as the president of Vision Shared as well as the assistant vice president of development at Marshall University, among other positions. She resides in Huntington.

Natural gas use across the United States has seen a dramatic increase in recent years. According to the 2017 Sustainable Energy in America Factbook, a report produced by the Business Council for Sustainable Energy and Bloomberg New Energy Finance, the U.S. has experienced a 79 percent surge in shale gas extraction since 2011 and a 12 percent jump in total gas production over the past five years. As the Factbook reports, “natural gas is now the number one source of power in the U.S., contributing 34 percent of the electricity mix in 2016, up from only 22 percent in 2007.”


Know the Facts About HB2506.pdf

The West Virginia Manufacturers Association and its members have an interest in promoting fair standards and good science in regulating the discharge of wastewater.  Both are under attack by the opponents of HB 2506, a bill that would regulate mixing zones for NPDES (wastewater permit). Let’s look at the facts.

All of us -  citizens as well as manufacturers – contribute to pollution.  Water quality standards are the safe levels of pollutants that are allowed in our streams.  EPA determines those safe levels after making conservative assumptions about the effect of each chemical.  For drinking water protection, they generally assume that someone will drink the water (about a half gallon per day) for 70 years. The standards are set so that such exposures are not harmful over long exposure periods. 

The US EPA has determined that the proper way to set wastewater permit limits for most drinking water criteria is to assume an average flow in the river, rather than assume the river is in a state of drought for 70 years. The average that EPA recommends is harmonic mean flow, a long-term average for those chemicals where standards were set using long term exposures.  That is what good science tells us we should do – match the safe levels with the correct flow.

And that is what HB 2506 does.  It would implement the US EPA guidance for setting permit limits for drinking water, in a way that is recommended by the Obama EPA.  It’s hard to get a better recommendation than that.

It is also instructive what HB 2506 will not do.  It changes nothing with regard to protection of fish, or the people who swim, raft and fish in our state streams.  It does not change the rule that the safe levels for protection of drinking water must be met not just at the intake, but a full half mile upstream. 

Are there ways we as a state could improve water quality?  Of course, and the greatest problem we could address is human and animal waste. There is a list of streams called the 303(d) list, which identifies the streams that are impaired, that are not achieving the state’s standards.  Thousands of miles of streams are polluted by sewage.  I’m proud to observe that the list does not contain, as far as we can see, any streams that are impaired because of the current discharges from WVMA members.  I’m also proud of the fact that, despite a hundred years of industrial development along the Kanawha River, the year-long sampling that was done at the request of West Virginia American Water showed no impairment from our industry. Where there were problems, it tended to be sewage.

The West Virginia Manufacturers Association urges collaboration between the WVMA, the Rivers Coalition and others on the real issue that could interfere with our citizens and the state’s tourist industry – raw sewage in our streams and rivers.  That is what makes fish less safe to eat, or could discourage rafting or swimming in our streams. We hope they’ll agree to work with us on a way to move the state forward, relying on science rather than rhetoric.

Download this file (Know the Facts About HB2506.pdf)Know the Facts About HB2506.pdf[ ]525 kB

Charleston, W.Va. – The West Virginia Manufacturers Association (WVMA) is launching a new community support program on February 14, 2017, to make a positive impact on communities in the state.

 WVMA Cares is community support program created to highlight the impact of manufacturing in West Virginia and build on the foundation that manufacturers provide throughout the state. 

“Manufacturers are community partners who believe in contributing to their state, cities and towns. From supporting local schools and sports teams to providing thousands of volunteer hours around the state, manufacturers give back,” said Rebecca McPhail, WVMA president. 

WVMA member companies make an impact on West Virginia that goes beyond the thousands of jobs they provide. In 2016, companies surveyed provided more than 15,000 volunteer hours, gave nearly $2 million in charitable support and more than $1 million of in-kind/product donations.