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Charleston, W.Va. – The West Virginia Manufacturers Association (WVMA) is launching a new community support program on February 14, 2017, to make a positive impact on communities in the state.

 WVMA Cares is community support program created to highlight the impact of manufacturing in West Virginia and build on the foundation that manufacturers provide throughout the state. 

“Manufacturers are community partners who believe in contributing to their state, cities and towns. From supporting local schools and sports teams to providing thousands of volunteer hours around the state, manufacturers give back,” said Rebecca McPhail, WVMA president. 

WVMA member companies make an impact on West Virginia that goes beyond the thousands of jobs they provide. In 2016, companies surveyed provided more than 15,000 volunteer hours, gave nearly $2 million in charitable support and more than $1 million of in-kind/product donations. 

In addition to the numerous community and statewide charitable initiatives supported by WVMA companies, WVMA Cares has a charitable focus which highlights three non-profit organizations each year. Partner organization are identified as playing a key role in the development of a healthy West Virginia. WVMA companies volunteer or contribute to WVMA Cares Charities throughout the year. 

WVMA Cares charities for 2017 are the March of Dimes Walk for Babies, the Children’s Home Society, and the American Heart Association

“We appreciate the opportunity to partner with the WVMA in preparation for April 2017 March for Babies,” said Daniel Hare of the March of Dimes. “WVMA companies are generously sponsoring the event and putting together walk teams, all for the benefit of premature babies born in West Virginia.”

McPhail said manufacturing provides more jobs in West Virginia than any other industry, offers great wages and benefits, and delivers to West Virginia and the world quality products like automotive parts, chemicals, plastics, hardwood flooring, food products, and more. “Manufacturers are innovators that invest in West Virginia and build stronger West Virginia communities,” she said.