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The WVMA offers members an opportunity to interact and engage with other industry leaders from West Virginia and beyond. With frequent state-wide and regional gatherings, active industry specific committees, and more than 150 member companies representing West Virginia’s diversity in manufacturing, membership provides a strong network for the state’s manufacturers. 

You company has access to and is encouraged to get involved with the following WVMA Committees:

Chemical Industry – The activities of the WVMA Chemical Industry Committee (CIC) promote a better understanding of the chemical industry and benefits of chemistry in our daily lives.  The CIC aims to assist in promoting the recognition of chemical companies as responsible manufacturers, employers, important business leaders, and significant partners in the economic development of the state. The CIC encourages active involvement of stakeholders to retain and expand the chemical industry throughout West Virginia.

Environmental Safety & Health – The Environmental Safety & Health (ES&H) Committee strives to lead the development of public policy that is based on sound science, protects the environment, promotes safety, and fosters sustainable manufacturing. In the WVMA’s ongoing effort to maintain a productive working relationship with our state and federal regulatory agencies, the ES&H Committee serves a key role in providing the “front line” vantage point necessary to develop effective environmental, safety, and health related policy.

Government Affairs – The WVMA Government Affairs Committee seeks to represents the interests of manufactures through member driven policy development, advocacy, and political mobilization. Members of the committee provide input on policy issues to assist in guiding the WVMA Board of Directors in developing annual policy agendas, while providing input to the WVMJ PAC Advisory Board regarding candidate support.

Human Resources – The WVMA Human Resources Committee serves as a resource for WVMA member companies by providing up-to-date information and training on the complexities of human resources issues in industry including changes in labor/employment law, state policy issues, and other “hot topics” identified by member need. Members of the committee have access to expert legal counsel, a strong peer network of human resource professionals, and web-based resources. The committee also provides a regular forum for open discussion on best practices.

WVMA Education Fund – The WVMA Education Education Fund, Inc. is an independent 501(c)3 organization that works in collaboration with the WVMA and member companies to provide school-based programming called Explore the New Manufacturing. WVMA member companies are provided exclusive opportunities to engage with local middle and high schools for programming designed to spotlight opportunities and educational pathways for careers in manufacturing. Learn more at www.exploremfgwv.com.

MORE! – In addition to these standing committees, the WVMA offers on-going opportunities for member engagement in special projects, industry initiatives, and collaborative efforts throughout the state.  Being a member provides access to these committees and future opportunities. 

Upcoming Dates

21 Oct
22 Oct
WVMA HR/Safety Committee Meeting
10.22.2024 10:00 am - 11:00 am

Zoom and Goodwill Prosperity Center, Charleston, WV

7 Nov
WVMA Finance Meeting
11.07.2024 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm


15 Nov
WVMA Board Meeting
11.15.2024 10:00 am - 12:00 pm


19 Nov
11.19.2024 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm