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WVMAConn 2023 1040x150 2

Governor Justice Executive Order No. 9-20
(see section h. specific to manufacturing operations)

022720 cc coronavirus covid cdc imgThe United States Coronavirus is a rapidly developing situation that requires an abundance of caution and preparation. We have been contacted by many with questions about what other companies are doing in response to the issue as well as what to expect relative to upcoming WVMA meetings and events. The best and most current information we have as to what member companies are doing is as follows:

1. The severity of COVID-19 is not to be underestimated. Social isolation is an important component as to slow the transmission of this virus and not overwhelm our healthcare system.
2. Many employers are now preparing for employees to work from home or tele-commute in some way.
3. Gatherings, including meetings and assemblies of people, are now being cancelled or postponed.
4. Health officials in West Virginia believe that the coronavirus will be identified in the state in the coming days.
5. All employers are encouraging people who may be ill to please go home, stay home and seek medical attention if deemed necessary.

The WVMA will provide timely updates in response to the developing situation. We will also monitor the situation related to our April 20-21 MMDC and provide alerts and notices accordingly. If you would like more information on the coronavirus and what you can do to be proactive.

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